I've often written about dreams I've had about my father since he passed away in 2015. Those dreams are always special because it's like I'm with him again, if for only a brief period. Last night, I had a dream about Mom, who passed away in 2021.
I was in Danville for some reason. I remember driving down a road from West Main Street down to the river. It was one long steep hill and I was thinking that a loss of brakes would be catastrophic. The hill in my dream was probably about 3x as long as any real such hill in Danville. After this ride on the steep hill, I was nearby Stratford House, the assisted living place where Mom spent her last 6 years. Like any dream that doesn't make sense, in reality, Stratford House is located at the top of that hill, not the bottom. Anyway...
I decided to go into Stratford and say "Hello" in the event I recognized any of the staff. I was in the lobby, which was not like the actual lobby, but a narrow hallway into a small sitting area. I saw two employees and spoke to them. They began talking about my Mom in the present tense. I reminded them that she had passed way several years ago. They looked to their left (my right) and smiled. Around the corner stood my Mom!She was standing straight and had great color. She looked to be in her 70's and looked very healthy and happy. She was smiling big! I hugged her and asked how she was. She said she was WONDERFUL! She was doing GREAT! It was the most positive I had ever heard her speak! I was crying uncontrollably as I hugged her because I was so happy for her and happy to see her.
I woke up and my eyes were wet and the dream was over.
I tried to find a picture of her that exemplified the happiness I saw in my dream, and I think this picture is the only one that comes close - if you multiply it by 10!