As a parent, there are a lot of things you hope and pray for your kids. Good health, being smart, making good grades, success in sports, find a good job, "be happy," etc., are some of the many things we hope for our kids.
There is none more impotant than this one. My wife Lori and I have prayed since our boys were babies that they would grow up and someday choose, on their own, to follow Jesus. Baptism is an outward display of this decision. Our oldest son Seth made the decision to follow Christ at New Life Camp this summer. He was baptized at Jordan Lake by
ME August 26, 2007 at the Vintage21 "BBQ Baptism!" It was a smokin' hot day in the high 90's, and we were glad to have many friends there, as well as all 4 grandparents.

The pictures show our pastor, Tyler Jones, in the UNC T-Shirt on the left. I almost called the
whole thing off when I saw what he was wearing. But I had on my red NC State T-shirt - so we went on as planned. All in all, about 20 people from The Journey and Vintage21 got dunked that day. It was a beautiful thing. Now we have 2 more boys to go, Caleb (6) and Luke (4), and pray that they will come to this decision point in their life in the future as well.

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