- I got to the office in time for the tour related to my new job, which I was looking forward to. I'm thankful the traffic wasn't that bad, and I was on time. I'm thankful I have a new job about which I am very excited. I am thankful there are peers who work in the same city, and while I love working from home, it's going to be nice to go into the office and see other team members.
- I couldn't dial into my own conference number because I didn't have the right passcode. I was very embarrassed. I am thankful I have a job and was needed on a conference call.
- Because of this, I missed the tour. I am thankful the touring hostess said she would give me a tour on another day.
- I rescheduled the call that went wrong. I am thankful it worked out later in the day, and the problems we were meeting about got resolved.
- I
got a text from Lori that her car wouldn't start. I am thankful we
have mobile phones and can keep in touch at all times. I am thankful we
have a neighbor who tried to help her, even though the new battery did
not work.
- She needed to go to the school to take something Caleb and Luke needed. I am thankful we have kids. I am thankful I have a wife and my kids have a mom who takes care of their day-to-day emergencies like forgotten gym clothes. I am thankful we have another neighbor who loaned her a car for that chore.
- I called Nationwide and had the car towed. I am thankful towing is covered under our car insurance. I am thankful there is a Toyota repair place in town we trust. I am thankful we have 2 cars.
- I worked from home the rest of the day. I am thankful I can work from home.
- I couldn't visit my dad in the hospital at UNC yesterday because I had so many work activities in the afternoon. I am thankful he has good care at UNC. I am thankful my friend Tom visited him yesterday and took him a Frosty. I am thankful my friend and UNC Hospital VP Glen visited my dad every day he was there. I am thankful Dad gets to go home today. I am thankful my Dad has my Mom to go home to, who loves him very much.
- I got a call from the car repair place about the $450+ bill to replace the starter. I am thankful it wasn't anything more and that somehow we will pay for this repair.
- Seth got invited to a Cross Country meet on the other side of Raleigh. I'm thankful he is healthy and athletic. I'm thankful Lori got to go attend that event with him.
- Luke had soccer practice at the same time. I'm thankful we have a friend and fellow team parent, Lee, who gave Luke and me a lift to practice. I'm thankful Luke has a good team and coach he likes.
- I had to sit there for an hour while Luke practiced. I'm thankful to talk to Lee, text with Lori, and read my Kindle Paperwhite and enjoy the beautiful weather during that hour - along with watching a little soccer practice.
- After a quick dinner, I prepared to head to meet for our Fantasy Football draft. I am thankful that I checked and found that it could be done remotely from the comfort of our kitchen. I am thankful I got Calvin Johnson, the #1 rated Wide Receiver. I am thankful that the draft only took 50 minutes, which was a new record for brevity!
- I'm thankful for a wife and friend and partner who helped us both get through this crazy day.
After all was said and done, it was a long day, and not everything went perfectly. But I am blessed with a great family, great friends and neighbors, a great job, and a comfortable bed upon which to lay my head at the end of that day, and... ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.....