Friday, September 4, 2020

A New Beginning

This is what 1 ounce of water looks like. This has been my diet for the last three hours. 1 ounce every 15 minutes. So far I am handling it well. Actually the first goal was to do 1 ounce in one hour. But I misunderstood and did the entire ounce every 15 minutes.  I keep asking for a slice of pizza but no one is bringing that to me yet. I think after the 4 ounces of water per hour, I will be given some clear soup broth. All of this is to ease me into the transition diet that will be going on for the next six weeks. The goal and hope is to not throw up at any point along the way.  So far so good.

Surgery went well and I believe actually started and finished ahead of schedule. When I was awake and in the recovery room, I felt extremely groggy, due to the anesthesia. The guy in the bed in the next station was complaining that he needed to go to the bathroom, i.e. do number two. I just got out of surgery, and I’m not sure what type of surgery he had, but I can’t imagine awakening in the recovery room and having to immediately poop! That would be terrible, as I could barely raise my hand to scratch my ear!  Anyway, I think they tried to help him get to the bathroom, or use a bedpan, but I don’t think he ever pooped. I was in and out of sleep so it didn’t really matter to me.  But then again, I think I did smell something. 💩

My main issue at that time was stomach pains which felt like somebody kicked me in the stomach.  They gave me some good pain meds in my IV, and by the time I got to the room several hours later at 5pm, the pain was moderate and I rated it 3 out of 10.

They wanted me to pee in the urinal container by 6:23 PM. I don’t know what the point of the exact deadline was for that, but the threat was that they would install the catheter if I didn’t!  I was stressing a bit because I was not able to immediately do it at 5:30 when first asked.   So after slowly gulping down a whopping 5 ounces of water over a period of an hour and 15 minutes, I finally went potty and avoided the consequences.

The nurses here are very nice.  I can’t help but think of my dad when I am talking to nurses in the hospital! He always made so many hospital friends in his final years. I really appreciate all that nurses do around the world.  I’m sure they have bad patients. I try to be a good one like Dad was.

A few hours ago after I successfully peed, I decided to just go and put my regular clothes back on, which made laying in the bed much more comfortable.  Already breaking the dress code here.

They just took my vitals at 8 PM and promise to be back every four hours to do that again. I am still quite tired, as well as thirsty. I’m not particularly hungry but I do look forward to beginning to eat some real food some point.  

I’m looking forward to getting home tomorrow. Lori has been such a great supporter of me in this process. I really love her and appreciate all she does for me.  Thanks also to all my friends and family who have supported and prayed for me during this time. This is a new beginning for me and I’m looking forward to wearing some of my old (smaller) T shirts that have been packed away for many years.  I have many.

Ok blog writing done.  Nurse is bringing me a popsicle!!  Goodnight!

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